Oil and Gas

Glycerin exports surpass US$ 40 million mark for the first time

Jun, 23, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202225

Although the volumes of glycerin exports are not exactly at their peak, revenues have remained very high. In May alone, more than US$ 41.3 million entered the Brazilian economy due to the foreign sales of the co-product of the biodiesel industry, according to data from the Ministry of Economy. Glycerin sales have set new records for two consecutive months.

From the beginning of the year until now, glycerin exports have brought US$ 181.6 million to the Brazilian economy. This amount is higher than the revenue pocketed in all previous years, except for last year’s US$ 284.6 million.

Comparing the period between January and May 2022 and 2021, revenue has grown by 120%.

Source: Biodiesel BR

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.biodieselbr.com/noticias/usinas/glicerina/exportacoes-de-glicerina-superam-marca-dos-us-40-milhoes-pela-primeira-vez-220622

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