Ports and Terminals

Goiás delegation tours Açu Port seeking chances to expand agricultural production

Mar, 15, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202411

In search of new logistical solutions to boost the agribusiness sector of his state, the Vice Governor of Goiás, Daniel Vilela, visited the Port of Açu, located in the Northern region of Rio de Janeiro. The delegation, composed of members of the Association for Industrial Development of the State of Goiás (Adial), supported negotiations for partnerships aimed at expanding and reducing the cost of transporting Goiás’ production, as well as importing inputs for the productive sector.

Daniel Vilela assessed, “The Port of Açu has the potential to serve as a strategic platform for Goiás products. As a productive state with diverse production, ranging from grains to minerals, having this port as a partner to bolster logistical integration with Goiás opens up avenues to new markets, cost reduction, and enhances the state’s competitiveness.”

During the visit, the Vice Governor learned about actions and investments to expand storage capacity within the facilities of the Port of Açu. According to him, this vision is directly linked to the agribusiness strategy, a vital sector for the economic development of Goiás. “The Port of Açu is one of the largest private infrastructure investments in the country, and Goiás is one of the largest producers and exporters. They want to increase the export of grains, and our state stands out, attracting the attention of the trading post,” he emphasized.

The delegation also toured the onshore terminal, home to companies active in the oil and gas sector, and the multi-cargo terminal, responsible for managing bulk and general cargo within the complex. Presently, the port handles corn, soybeans, and copper concentrate produced in Goiás. The aim is to broaden this partnership, providing fresh avenues to transport Goiás’ production.

Source: Jornal Opção

Click here to read the original news report: https://www.jornalopcao.com.br/ultimas-noticias/em-parceria-com-porto-do-acu-goias-busca-ampliacao-de-producao-agricola-589426/

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