Government and VLI seek to boost port activities in Sergipe
Dec, 08, 2020 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202051
The Government of Sergipe and VLI, manager of the Inácio Barbosa Maritime Terminal (TMIB) in Barra dos Coqueiros, have been concluding several actions throughout 2020 to increase operations at the site and start moving containers.
The work to stimulate port activities has been done with companies to know the volume of cargo and frequencies of imports to start this operation. Initially, imports must occur in the form of a Customs Transit Declaration (DTA), arriving through the port of Bahia and passing through the Customs Clearance at TMIB, in a customs area.
“The TMIB has been registering good results in the face of a challenging scenario. Some operations stood out and proved the terminal’s versatility to serve different sectors of the economy. The movement of manganese, completed in July, was unprecedented and resulted in the shipment of 25 thousand tons to China, with projections for new flows in 2021. Another product shipped for the first time was soybean meal delivered in August. There were 31 thousand tons, also for the Asian country. Regarding the operation of containers, we are excited to start, but we need the participation of the business community to gather a minimum initial amount ”, says the general manager of Operations at Ports Northeast of VLI, Denilson Fernandes.
The representative of VLI also highlights the current export of sugar after 13 years without registration of activity related to this product. The cargo of 15 thousand tons is being formed, with shipping scheduled for January 2021. “The state produces this commodity and the terminal is able to connect the field with the international market”, emphasizes Fernandes.
“New cargo operations are also being explored. In addition to the shipments of manganese and sugar, cargoes of copper and iron ore are already at an advanced stage of negotiation”, adds Marcelo Menezes, Executive Superintendent of the State Secretariat for Economic Development and Science and Technology (Sedetec),
More Actions
The feasibility of importing malt for beer production is another of the fronts that are being worked on. The government’s idea is to evaluate the possibility of installing silos to receive the cargo, functioning as a regional distribution hub.
The realization of a survey of opportunities for joining incentives in other states in the Northeast is also being discussed between the Government and the administrator of Porto, in accordance with Complementary Law 160/2017 and the CONFAZ Agreement ICMS 190/2017. In this context, the laws of Pernambuco are being studied, such as the State Development Program (Prodepe), which aims to attract new investments in the industry, distribution, and import center. The Industry Incentive Program (Proind); the Port Activity Stimulus Program (Peap), and the Automotive Sector Development Program (Prodeauto) are also being consulted.
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