ANTT Minimum Freight Table (tabela frete mínimo)
Other Logistics

Government to suspend minimum freight table

Jul, 22, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201930

According to G1, infrastructure minister Tarcísio Freitas told the website that he will suspend the resolution of the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) that established rules for the calculation of minimum road freight table.

According to the minister, a new negotiation round will be opened with the truck drivers since the model has generated criticism in the sector.

The ministry explained that “dissatisfaction with a significant portion of transportation agents” was observed and that “conceptual differences in freight value and minimum floor” should be further discussed with the category.

What was changed

The new resolution’s main characteristics are:

– 11 categories of cargo;

– Change in the format of the table, being no longer by distance bands, but by applying the Load and Discharge Coefficient (CC, in R$), the Displacement Coefficient (CCD, in R$/km), and the mileage traveled for contracted transport;

– Calculation in R$/trip;

– Charge load table;

– Calculation parameters based on national price survey, to obtain the market indicators, and application of the questionnaire, to obtain operational parameters;

– Inclusion of vehicle insurance;

– Specific table for hiring only tractor vehicle;

According to the standard, the calculation of the Minimum Freight Floor should be performed using the following procedure:

– First, the type of load is defined;

– Second, the cost of displacement (CCD) and load and discharge (CC) coefficients are defined for the axle number of the combined vehicle of interest;

– The distance to be covered is defined;

– Finally, the following expression is used to calculate the Minimum Freight Floor in Reais per trip (R$/trip): MINIMUM FREIGHT FLOOR (R$/trip) = (DISTANCE x CCD) + CC

 Source: ANTT and G1

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