Ports and Terminals

Government introduces new measures to protect port workers from coronavirus

Mar, 23, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202013'

The Federal Government and the Public Labor Ministry (MPT) have made a joint recommendation to standardize actions to protect port workers whilst ensuring the full functioning of Brazilian ports. The agreement was articulated by the Infrastructure Ministry (MInfra) via the National Ports Secretariat. A series of recommendations are addressed to port authorities, companies in the sector and labor management agencies. Among the measures, MInfra and MPT suggest the creation of special organizational structures and plans for preventing infections at ports.

The measures include formal guidelines to prevent and fight the coronavirus, full provision of protective materials, immediate removal of professionals in high risk groups, monitoring of workers who have had contact with people suspected of infection, and disinfection of any accommodation used as well as immediate communication to Anvisa of confirmed or suspected cases. It was also determined that workers returning from travel should be under observation for 7 days if asymptomatic, and 14 days if symptomatic.

“Brazil currently has a trade deficit of around R$20 billion in the health sector, and it is through ports that a large part of the inputs and equipment arrive. Our priority is to ensure a safe environment so that these professionals can work. Keeping this equipment in full working order is vital to overcome this crisis “, said Infrastructure Minister Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas.

The recommendations have been in effect since last Friday (20/03), when the document was signed by the National Ports Secretary, Diogo Piloni, and the national coordinator of Port and Water Works of the MPT, Flávia Oliveira Veiga Bauler.

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