The government pledges R$2bn in the maintenance and construction of key highways

Brazil’s government pledges R$2bn for highway maintenance

Apr, 16, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201917

At a news conference this afternoon, Brazil’s Ministry of Infrastructure announced the allocation of R$2bn funds for the maintenance and completion of some of the country’s major highways. The Infrastructure Minister reiterated the importance of paving a 51km stretch of the BR-163/PA highway, among other roads.

The list of highways and associated works that will receive funding include:

  • Conclusion of the BR-381/MG
  • Completion of the expansion of the BR-116/RS
  • Construction of the Second Bridge of Guaíba/RS
  • Completion of the paving of the BR-163/PA
  • Completion of expansion of the BR-101/BA
  • Construction of 8 concrete bridges on the BR-242/MT
  • Works on a section of the BR-135/MA


The Ministry of Infrastructure cited the paving of the BR-163/PA as a priority to avoid the annual hold ups faced by truckers due to heavy rain. Brazil’s northern ports are responsible for 28% of Brazil’s soybean and corn exports. The grain trucks from Mato Grosso and surrounding areas use the BR-163 highway to unload cargo at Miritituba River Port in Pará. The port then sends the commodity in barges to Barcarena Port.

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