
Government publishes regulatory framework for pesticides

Jul, 31, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201932

Today’s Federal Official Gazette (07/31) published the regulatory framework for pesticides. Detailed by three resolutions and a normative instruction, the pesticide regulation framework updates and clarifies the criteria adopted for the toxicological assessment and classification of this type of product used in Brazil.

The new framework foresees changes to the labels and package inserts of pesticides, defining rules for the provision of information, words, and warning images in order to facilitate the identification of risks to human health.

Companies will have a year to adapt to the new rules, with the deadline starting today with their publication in the Gazette. For products that are already in circulation, the reclassification will be made by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) which published a notice requesting information about the products.

According to Anvisa, data has already been sent for reclassification of approximately 1,950 pesticides registered in Brazil, almost 85% of the total volume (2,300) in circulation.

The regulatory framework for pesticides was created in harmony with the international rules followed by the countries of the European Union and Asia, which, according to the agency, strengthens the conditions for marketing domestic products abroad, as well as ensuring more clarity of information.

The product toxicity classification provided for in the pesticide regulation framework may be determined from the components present in the products, impurities, or in comparison with similar products in Brazil. For each category, possible damage will be indicated in case of contact with the mouth (oral), skin (dermal), and nose (inhalation).

“Extremely Toxic” and “Highly Toxic” products (categories 1 and 2 respectively) will have a red warning band. “Moderately Toxic” products (category 3) will have a yellow warning band. The products “Mildly Toxic” and “Unlikely to Cause Acute Damage” (categories 4 and 5) will have a blue band.

In the pesticide registration and monitoring processes, Anvisa is responsible for evaluating issues related to human health. The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources is responsible for environmental issues. The agronomic issues and the registration of agricultural use are the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply.

Source: Agência Brasil

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