Handling rates at Imbituba grow 17.1% in 2021
Jan, 13, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202202
The Port of Imbituba brought 2021 to a close with a total of 6,874,779 tons handled, a new yearly record for the port complex, and a 17.1 percent increase in operations over the previous year.
From January to December, 285 moorings were carried out in Imbituba, mainly from ships loaded with imported products. The number of calls increased by 21.8% compared to the previous year.
Port operations
The public port maintains a predominance of mineral and vegetable bulk operations (81.3 % of total), while also consolidating its processing capacity of other loads, such as containers (12 %), general cargo (6.4 %), and liquid bulk (0.3%).
Petroleum coke was the most common product handled in 2021, followed by containers, fertilizers, salt, and iron ore. Bituminous coal and agricultural goods such as soy, soy bran, and corn were also notable.
Petroleum coke, in both calcined and non-calcined modalities, dominated the cargo portfolio, accounting for 28.4% of the volume handled (1.95 million tons) and growing at a rate of about 92% compared to 2020. It was transported in both domestic and international trade flows, with a predominance of import operations from the United States.
The ports’ good performance resulted in four months at the top of the list of the greatest monthly volumes ever recorded in Imbituba’s history: July (717.8 thousand t), October (694.4 thousand t), May (681.9 thousand t), and August (681.9 thousand t) (667.1 thousand t).
Imbituba handled new items in addition to maintaining its existing portfolios, such as the first significant canola export from Brazil and the transshipment of cables for the new electric power transmission line in Florianópolis.
Financial results
The Port Authority is still finalizing the financial figures, but projections show a 20.9% increase in net revenue and a 30% increase in net profitability compared to 2020.
Additionally, around R$3.5 million in new investments and R$6.2 million in facility maintenance are planned.
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