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Hatching eggs: exports between Jan-Oct steady from a year ago

Dec, 15, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202250

If the expectation of a decrease in Brazilian hatching egg exports in 2022 was prevalent until recently, there is now the possibility of an increase, albeit a minor one. Despite being nearly 5% lower than the previous year, the quantity shipped last October went near 20 million units, the best result since April and the second-highest in the past 12 months.

With such a performance, the YTD total of the first ten months of the year  – close to 164.7 million units – is practically the same as in the same period last year, registering an increase of 0.09%.

For the time being, the increase in exported volume in a year is close to 10%. However, this index is influenced by the shallow volumes of November and December 2020, when the total shipped was slightly higher than in October last year.

For this reason, keeping the same (high) volume exported in October in the last two months of 2022, the annual increase will fall from the current 9.72% to around 1%. If the monthly average for the first ten months of the year holds, the final result will be negative, with an annual decrease of close to 2.5%.

Source: Avisite

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.avisite.com.br/ovos-ferteis-volume-exportado-entre-janeiro-e-outubro-iguala-se-ao-do-mesmo-periodo-de-2021/

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