
HBSA presents largest barges convoy in operation at Intermodal South America

Mar, 01, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202311

Hidrovias do Brasil (HBSA) is presenting its innovations at Intermodal. Among the highlights are the first electric maneuvering tugs in the world and the convoy made of 35 barges operating in Brazil’s Arco Norte, considered the largest used in inland navigation, in addition to other efficient solutions in line with the Sustainable Commitment of Hidrovias do Brasil.

“For the first time at Intermodal, Cubo Maritime & Port, Cubo Itaú’s innovation hub, has a stand, which is sponsored by Hidrovias do Brasil, Wilson Sons, and Porto of Açu. The goal is to promote and develop the waterway, port, and maritime sectors through innovation. The Hub has the expertise of startups such as CargoSnap and Flowls, who are also present at the event to share experiences and discuss innovative and disruptive solutions that can contribute to the logistics sector’s transformation,” Rodrigo Oliveira, Commercial Director of Hidrovias do Brasil, emphasizes.

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