sacas de café / coffee

Historical Record: Coffee Exports Surpass Pulp Exports for the Year

Nov, 06, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202342

Coffee exports, both Arabica and Robusta beans, from Espírito Santo state, are experiencing significant growth throughout 2023. In fact, for the first time in many years, they have surpassed pulp exports in the annual total. Between January and September 2022, the state sold 120.7 million tonnes of coffee (processed and green). In 2023, during the same period, 201.1 million tonnes were sold, marking a 66.6% increase. Revenues rose from $469.7 million to $636 million, a 35.4% increase. These figures were collected by the State Department of Agriculture.

On the other hand, pulp exports remained almost stagnant in terms of volume (1.58 million tonnes between January and September 2022 and 1.56 million tonnes between January and September 2023) but increased by 6% in terms of revenue (from $550 million to $583.3 million).

The chart below, designed with Datamar’s DataLiner data, shows Brazilian exports of pulp (hs 3912) in the period between Jan 2020 and Sep 2023.

Brazilian Pulp Exports | Jan 2020 – Sep 2023 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The improvement in Robusta coffee quality and the establishment of soluble coffee plants explain much of this trend. “The quality of Robusta coffee from Espírito Santo has significantly improved recently, prompting foreign buyers to not only purchase more but also increase the proportion in their Arabica blends. Another factor is the growth of the manufacturing sector here in the state, particularly in Linhares. These factories sell soluble coffee worldwide, impacting our trade balance,” explained the State Secretary of Agriculture, Enio Bergoli.

The chart below, designed with Datamar’s DataLiner data, shows Brazilian exports of coffee (hs 0901) in the period between Jan 2020 and Sep 2023.

Brazilian coffee exports | Jan 2020 – Sep 2023 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

It’s unclear whether the coffee industry will maintain its lead over the pulp industry in exports from Espírito Santo, but it will certainly continue to gain ground. “Other coffee-producing countries have faced climatic issues, which won’t last forever, but coffee produced and processed in the state has certainly gained a foothold in foreign markets,” stated Bergoli.

Source: A Gazeta

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