Other Cargo

Honey exports via the Port of Paranaguá grow 31.65% in the 1st four months

May, 21, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202122

Honey exports through the Port of Paranaguá grew 31.65% in the first four months of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020. Honey exports via the Paraná terminal from January to April generated sales of US$ 12.48 million. Almost all exported cargo is produced in the state itself, which is among the three main producers in the country.

In the first four months, 3,887 tons of natural honey were exported through the Port of Paranaguá. In the same period, last year, there were 2,953 tons. The Port of Paranaguá is the second-ranking port for honey exports.

“Honey is exported in drums that are shipped in containers. The five main destinations for the product that leaves here are the United States, Canada, Australia, Austria, and Belgium”, says the CEO of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia.

According to him, the growth of the product in Paraná’s exports follows a national trend. “The price paid is higher compared to what was paid in previous years. This appreciation favors and the rise in the dollar ends up intensifying the international trade of honey, too, ”he says.

Brazilian Exports vs. Exports via the Port of Paranaguá

The graph below, based on DataLiner data, shows a history of Brazilian honey exports as of January 2019 and the participation of the Port of Paranaguá in terms of total honey exports:

Brazilian Honey Exports (HS 0409) | Jan 2019 to Mar 2020 | WTMT

Graphic source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

In the first four months of the year, Brazil exported around 19,418 tons of natural honey. Throughout last year, Brazilian exports reached 45,728.3 tons – US $ 98,560,461 of domestic honey sold abroad.

In 2020, 8,802.8 tons of honey were exported through the Port of Paranaguá – 19.25% of national exports. The volume sent by the port of Paraná generated revenue of US$ 17,268,526 during the 12 months. The data are from the Ministry of Economy (ComexStat).

According to the State Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply, considering the data for the first quarter, the average price paid for honey from Paraná was US$ 3,146.3 per ton (US$ 3.15 / kg).

Leader in national production, Paraná accounts for more than 38% of Brazilian honey. Considering the productions by municipalities, Ortigueira (Campos Gerais region) is one of the largest honey producers in Brazil.

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