Ports and Terminals

Hurricane Ida: Container operations resume in New Orleans harbor

Sep, 08, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202135

Container ship operations from the Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) resumed on the 8th, nine days after Hurricane Ida hit southeastern Louisiana as a Category 4 storm.

The first two ships to resume operations at the Napoleon Avenue Container Terminal were the MSC Charleston at the New Orleans Terminal and the Hapag-Lloyd CSL Manhattan at Ports America. Seacor’s container barge service was operated by Ports America.

Port NOLA’s fractional cargo vessel operations resumed on September 2, just four days after Hurricane Ida, with the MV Ishizuchi Star operating at Coastal Cargo.

Although strong winds from Hurricane Ida caused massive power cuts across the region and shut down operations, port terminals and industrial properties did not suffer major damage due to their location within the federal government’s 14 billion-dollar Hurricane & Storm Damage Risk Reduction System.


Source: Port Portal

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