Hyundai discreetly prepares new factory

Dec, 02, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202146

Since building a factory in Brazil in 2012, Hyundai has stood out for its extreme discretion. Company presidents who have already been in charge of the operation hardly appear publicly or give interviews and, except for the marketing around their vehicles, each decision is surrounded by secrecy. Not all secrets, however, can be kept as long as desired by the company’s Koreans.

The most picturesque case is that of an engine factory that is being built next to the vehicle production line, in Piracicaba (SP). The assembler’s directors do not deny the project to anyone who asks and the advancing works are visible to those who pass by. But so far the company has not announced how much it intends to invest. “That depends on the type of engine that we will make and that has not yet been defined”, says the commercial vice-president of Hyundai do Brasil, Angel Martinez.

Engine design is extremely important to Hyundai, especially in times of high dollar rates. Engines and transmissions are imported from Korea for the two models produced in Piracicaba – the HB20 compact and the Crete sport utility vehicle.

Added to the devaluation of the real are the problems that have made it difficult to import components, such as the frequent bottlenecks in ports. “Container prices have risen from four to ten times,” says Martinez. “Sometimes the ship that arrives at the port of Santos cannot dock due to congestion and goes to Argentina to return days later”, he completes. Not to mention the shortage of semiconductors, which affects the entire industry.

Source: Valor Econômico

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