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IBGE: Grain harvest is expected to reach a record 270.7 million tons in 2022

Nov, 11, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202143

The Brazilian harvest of cereals, legumes, and oilseeds is expected to reach a record 270.7 million tons in 2022, 7.8% more than this year, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), which released this Thursday the first forecast for the crop that is being planted. There will be another 19.5 million tons if the forecast is confirmed.

Corn is mainly responsible for the expected advance and its production is expected to recover after the sharp drop in 2020 caused by the delay in the sowing of the second crop and by inclement weather. The forecast for 2022 is an increase of 11.1% for the 1st harvest (or 2.8 million tons) and an increase of 26.8% for the 2nd harvest (or 16.2 million tons). “We are hoping for a year of normal climate which will allow for the recovery of crops”, stated the research manager, Carlos Barradas, in a note.

The IBGE also projects increased productions for soy (0.8%, or 1.1 million tons), cottonseed (2.4%, or 84,900 tons), sorghum (12.8%, or 302,400 tons), edible beans 1st harvest (6.9%, or 80,900 tons), and edible beans 2nd harvest (9.8%, or 101,000 tons).

However, the institute estimates reductions for rice (3.9%, or 451,600 tons), edible beans 3rd harvest (0.9%, or 5,100 tons), and wheat (10.0%, or 785,800 tons).

In 2021, the Brazilian grain harvest, practically concluded, reached 251.2 million tons, 1.2% less (3 million tons) than in 2020, according to the IBGE.]

Source: Valor Econômico

To read the full original article, visit the link:

https://valor.globo.com/agronegocios/noticia/2021/11/11/colheita-de-graos-devera-atingir-o-recorde-de-2707-milhoes-de-tonelas-em-2022-diz- ibge.ghtml

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