Ports and Terminals

Imbituba Port invests in specialized monitoring to optimize electricity usage

Mar, 12, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202012

On March 5, Imbituba Port began the installation of electricity meters via telemetry. The project requires an estimated investment of R$290,000, and allows for remote measurement of the amount of energy used by each port consumer, whilst sending the information to a central processing system.

Currently the Port Authority has 26 specific points of energy consumption under its management. Telemetry will be used to draw up a consumption profile at these points and help draw up an action plan for the port`s electrical engineering team. “This specialized monitoring system will make it possible to plan measures to improve energy efficiency, study the distribution of consumption over time, record the frequency of power outages and supply failures, in addition to detecting the presence of systematic as well as occasional disturbances in the power network”, highlights Paulo Sérgio Gonçalves, electrical technician at SCPAR Porto de Imbituba. Apart from electricity, a similar system is used to monitor gas and water supply, aviation, Formula 1, naval and space engineering processes.

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