Ports and Terminals

Imbituba sees 2nd best monthly throughput for July: 700K tonnes

Aug, 16, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros


The Port of Imbituba had a throughput of 706.7 thousand tonnes in July, the second best monthly result obtained by the port complex, only behind July 2021, when it recorded the volume that remains the all-time record of the port, 717.8 thousand tonnes.

The result obtained last month represents a decrease of 1.5% in the amount of cargo handled compared to the same period last year. In total, the Port of Imbituba received 25 ships in July, mainly with import cargo. Fertilizers, coke, soybean meal, containers, and bituminous coal were the main products handled.

The Port of Imbituba handled 4.2 million tonnes from January to July. According to the projections of the Port Authority, the perspective is to end 2022 with a throughput of more than 7 million tonnes.

Source: Comex do Brasil

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.comexdobrasil.com/movimentacao-de-cargas-porto-de-imbituba-ultrapassa-as-700-mil-toneladas-no-mes-de-julho-na-segunda-melhor-marca-para-o-mes/

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