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Import taxes waived on another 41 products used in fight against coronavirus

Apr, 08, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202016

The Foreign Trade Chamber (Camex), an interministerial body chaired by the Ministry of Economy, zeroed import taxes on another 41 products used to fight the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil. The list includes both medical and hospital products and supplies, as well as components and accessories used in the manufacture and operation of items to combat COVID-19. The reduction was approved in a virtual meeting held by the Executive Management Committee of Camex (Gecex) on Tuesday (7/4).

The objective of the measure is to increase the supply of goods destined to fight the pandemic, as well as of machines and supplies used for the national manufacture of these products, increasing their availability and thus decreasing costs to the Brazilian health system. These items had tariffs of up to 26%, which will now be zeroed until September 30, 2020.

According to Resolution No. 31 of Gecex, published in the Official Gazette (DOU) this Wednesday (8/4), the first group products with zeroed rates includes drugs such as paracetamol, substances such as hospital disinfectants and equipment such as oxygen cylinders, facial cameras/temperature controllers and cardiac output monitors.

In the second group are items such as machines used to produce masks and supplies used to produce medicines. There are inputs needed to manufacture respirators and ventilators, a subgroup that has already had most of its tariffs reset via Gecex Resolution 28/2020. The new Resolution also eliminates zinc and vitamin D tariffs.

With this new reduction, there are now 177 items that have had their import taxes waived completely as part of a commercial policy to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The first three tariff reduction lists were implemented by resolutions Gecex nº 17/2020, Gecex nº 22/2020 and Gecex nº 28/2020.

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