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Imports of chemical products increased by 10.2% in September

Oct, 20, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202044

According to a foreign trade report by ABIQUIM (the Brazilian chemical industry association), imports of chemical products increased by 10.2% in September, reaching US$ 3.7 billion, a considerable increase compared to August. At the same time, exports increased slightly, from 1.5% on the same comparative basis, to US$ 871.4 million.

The most imported chemical products continue to be fertilizer intermediaries, totaling US$ 716.7 million, an increase of 11.1% compared to August. Thermoplastic resins were the most exported items, totaling US$ 103.5 million, down 13.4% compared to August.

From January to September, chemical imports totaled US$ 30.3 billion, with a 9% decrease. Exports, on the other hand, fell 14.8%, to US$ 8.3 billion. In volume, however, imports until September reached record levels of more than 37 million tons. This is equivalent to an increase of 6.9% compared to the same period last year – the 34.6 million tons of that period was also a record amount.

According to ABIQUIM, the average price of imports fell by 14.9%, while in exports the drop was 19.7%, as reflected in the industry’s trade deficit.

For the last months, the negative balance was US$ 22 billion, down 6.7%. For the 12-month period through September, however, the deficit reached US$ 30 billion.

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