Ports and Terminals

Infrastructure Ministry sends TCU concession projects for two port terminals in Bahia

Mar, 30, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202014

The Infrastructure Ministry sent feasibility studies on concessions of two port terminals at the Port of Aratu (BA) to the Federal Audit Court (TCU). Next week, two more projects will be sent – one in Porto de Santana (AP) and another in the port of Maceió (AL). All have gone through public hearings and now expect court approval so edicts of the auctions can be released. The total expected investment in these terminals is US$468 million.

The ATU 12 terminal, in the Port of Aratu-Candeias (BA), focussed on handling solid bulk, is the one with the highest investment required at R$294 million. The site will be leased for 25 years and will be used for the movement of fertilizers, copper concentrate and various ores. It is projected to handle 2 million tons per year.

Also at the Port of Aratu (BA), the ATU 18 terminal has an investment value of R$119 million for a 15-year lease. The site will also be dedicated to handling and storage of solid vegetable bulk. The complex location serves as an outlet for production and imports from the Camaçari Industrial Pole – the largest integrated industrial complex in the Southern Hemisphere, housing more than 90 chemical and petrochemical industries, in addition to other sectors such as automotive, cellulose and copper metallurgy.

The terminal for handling and storage of solid vegetable bulk in Porto de Santana (AP), MCP02, will be leased for a period of 25 years and will require R$41 million in investments. The terminal will handle and store solid vegetable bulk, especially soybean meal which has an important role in the Brazilian trade balance.

Finally, the lease of the MAC 10 terminal, in the Port of Maceió (AL), is planned for 25 years, with an investment value of R$12 million. The terminal will be dedicated to the handling of liquid bulk, especially sulfuric acid. The demand for chemicals in the complex is influenced by the presence of the Alagoas Chlorochemical Complex, located in the municipality of Marechal Deodoro. The hub has companies operating in production of PVC, caustic soda, tubes and fittings, plastics in general segments, as well as in the production of inputs for the chemical industry.

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