Ports and Terminals

Interim lease contracts signed by Santos for development of three areas

May, 18, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202021

Last week the Santos Port Authority (SPA) signed transition contracts for the development of areas in Saboó, at Santos Port, with Brasil Terminal Portuário (BTP), Santos Brasil and Set Port, winners of the bid for the transitional lease of areas on the right bank of the Port of Santos, started in 2019.

The contracts follow the Simplified Selection Process model and aim to use unoccupied areas until the bidding processes are concluded for long-term leases or for a maximum of 180 days – whichever comes first.

Area 1 – Measuring 19,000 m2, the area is to be developed by BTP and will handle general cargo (containerized or not). The company already has a container terminal at the Port of Santos.

Area 2 – Measuring 42,000 m2, the area will be developed by Santos Brasil, dedicated to handling cellulose and vehicles. It will be the company’s third terminal at Santos Port – the company leases two terminals (one for containers and one for vehicles) on the left bank (Guarujá).

Area 3 – The area measures 21,000 m2, will be operated by Set Port, and is dedicated to handling solid bulk and general cargo. Set Port is the only one of the three companies that still does not operate an area at Santos.

Expectations are that development of the areas will generate at least around R$1.2 million per month for the SPA, which may represent up to R$7.2 million over the period.


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