Other Logistics

Intermodal 2022: Brado present its plans to operate in ‘Malha Central’

Mar, 15, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202211

Brado is presenting its action plan to start running operations in the ‘Malha Central’ stretch, a railway mesh under the concession of Rumo, which crosses the states of Tocantins, Goiás, and Minas Gerais to finally reach São Paulo.

Independent multimodal, white-flag logistics operator, Brado is preparing to serve the domestic market on the Anápolis (GO) – São Paulo axis and the import and export market from Goiás. In addition, the company intends to connect essential industries and agricultural producers to the Port of Santos from July onwards. At Intermodal 2022, Brado will also disclose its most recent investments in user experience-based technology.

According to the company, the market greatly suffered from pandemic-bound impacts in the last two years, which prompted Brado to change its growth strategies. Such a context opened the room for the solid handling movements seen in the multimodal logistics sector. Cargo handling, for example, reached 350 thousand TEUs last year. By the end of 2022, the company expects to register a 35% growth, handling 472.5 thousand TEUs in the domestic and foreign markets.

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