Ports and Terminals

Investigation probes irregularities linked to work hazards at the Port of Paranagua

Apr, 02, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202414

Labor auditors from the Secretariat of Labor Inspection (SIT) – under the Ministry of Labor – are conducting a major inspection operation at the Port of Paranaguá on Tuesday and Wednesday (April 2nd and 3rd) to investigate reports of irregularities in certain areas, including issues related to health and safety hazards at a significant grain export terminal.

According to the agency, there are signs of both minor and more severe deficiencies that, if not addressed immediately, could lead to accidents. If significant and imminent risks to worker safety are identified, appropriate measures must be taken by the company operating on-site; otherwise, services may be interrupted until the identified irregularities are rectified.

The inspections are focused on the overhead conveyor belts in the export corridor, one of the main areas of the Port of Paranaguá through which the entire grain harvest is transported to ships.

Risk of Explosion

Diego Alfaro, coordinator of the Port Project at the Labor Inspection Secretariat in Paraná, reported that various problems were immediately identified. “We went up to the conveyor belts in the export corridor and identified several irregularities, from fire safety issues and the lack of firefighting equipment to open holes that could lead to workers falling,” he stated.

In one of the warehouses inspected by the auditing team, they found electrical installations in poor condition, with minimal maintenance, in the same area where numerous tons of grains are unloaded, posing a serious risk of explosion. The excess grain dust suspended in the air and on the ground can become fuel when combined with oxygen and a source of ignition.

Recent Fire Incident

The operation comes just over a month after a fire on February 23rd at TC5, one of the 06 belts in the export corridor at the Port of Paranaguá that supplies Berth 214. Operations at the site were temporarily suspended at the time, and no injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

According to the Labor Inspection Secretariat (SIT), the incident raised concerns about irregularities in operations, along with other anonymous complaints received by the agency. Some of the companies inspected in this operation today had previously been notified during inspections in previous years. At that time, the issues were addressed. Inspections were less frequent during the pandemic, but this work is expected to resume with an increased number of actions from now on.


Anonymous complaints about labor irregularities can be made through the website denuncia.sit.trabalho.gov.br. Personal data provided when registering a complaint are confidential and will not be disclosed during any subsequent inspections. If the complaint specifically relates to conditions analogous to slavery, the identification of the complainant is not required.

Source: Bem Paraná

Click here to read the original written piece: https://www.bemparana.com.br/noticias/parana/operacao-busca-irregularidades-ligadas-a-seguranca-do-trabalho-no-porto-de-paranagua/

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