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IPEA reduces Brazil’s agricultural GDP forecast for 2021

Sep, 24, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202137

The GDP of the Brazilian agricultural sector in 2021 is expected to grow by 1.2%, according to IPEA (the institute for applied economic research), which revised downwards its previous estimate of 1.7% due to reductions in corn production and a less favorable scenario for milk.

“The added value of vegetable production in 2021 was also revised downwards: from 1.7% to 1.2%, due to the revision to the corn-production estimate, which should show a 15.5% drop”, announced IPEA on September 23rd.

In August, the estimate had already fallen from 2.6% to 1.7%.

Reductions in sugarcane (-3.7%) and coffee (-21.1%) caused by inclement weather also limited the 2021 projection.

Although lower, the positive result for 2021 will be supported by significant increases in the production of soy (+10.1%), rice (+4.3%), and wheat (+32.9%).

Source: G1

To read the full original article, access the link: https://g1.globo.com/economia/agronegocios/noticia/2021/09/23/ipea-reduz-previsao-de-pib-agropecuario-do-brasil-em- 2021.ghtml

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