Ports and Terminals

Iron ore handling at Itaguaí port rises 60.8% in July

Sep, 08, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202037

Itaguaí Port registered a 60.82% year-on-year increase in iron ore handling in July as a result of Vales’s Companhia Portuária Baía de Sepetiba (CPBS) resuming operations – a knock-on effect of ore mines starting to operate again.   The terminal, managed by Companhia Docas do Rio de Janeiro, registered a volume handled of 6,892 million tons at CPBS during the month. This data was released by Alex Neves, superintendent of the Port Management of Itaguaí and Angra dos Reis.

According to Neves, the increase was driven by the rise in the dollar and the price of ore, generating an increase in CPBS revenue in August 2020 of 104.22% year-on-year.

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