Ports and Terminals

IRS siezes 368 kg of cocaine hidden in a shipment of paper at the Port of Santos

Jul, 29, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202130

On Wednesday, August 28, the Internal Revenue Service found 368 kg of cocaine in a shipment of paper at the Port of Santos, on the coast of São Paulo. Customs teams found the drug during routine inspections. The cargo was destined for the Port of Antwerp, Belgium.

According to the IRS, the paper shipment was selected for verification through objective risk analysis criteria, including non-intrusive inspection using scanner images.

During the inspection, the tax authorities’ suspicions were raised that a criminal technique had been used whereby the drug is placed inside a lawful cargo load without the knowledge of exporters and importers.

The team found the drug and delivered the narcotic to the police, which will continue with the investigations based on information provided by the IRS.

Source: G1

To read the full original article, visit the link:

https://g1.globo.com/sp/santos-regiao/porto-mar/noticia/2021/07/28/receita-federal-localiza-368-kg-de-cocaina-em-carga-de-papel- sulphite-no-porto-de-santos.ghtml

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