Sugar and Ethanol

ISO sees smaller global sugar deficit in 2020/21

Jun, 07, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202125

The International Sugar Organization (ISO) reduced its estimate for the global sugar deficit in the current harvest (2020/21) to 3.142 million tons, against 4.782 million tons previously projected. For the next season (2021/22), which starts in October, the organization foresees a deficit of 2.674 million tons, although it emphasizes that there is a lot of uncertainty, especially regarding production.

See the graph below for a history of Brazilian sugar exports, according to data from DataLiner:

Brazilian Sugar Exports (HS 1701) | Jan 2018 to Apr 2021 | WTMT

Graph source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The prospect of a slightly less restricted supply reflects ISO’s estimate of slightly higher production in South-Central Brazil, where the organization expects mills to direct more cane towards sugar production than to ethanol. It is estimated that global production will reach 169.235 million tons in this harvest.

The ISO also lowered its forecast for global sugar demand this season because of new waves of coronavirus infection in Brazil and India. It is estimated that world consumption will be at 172.377 million tons this season.

Source: Valor Econômico

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