Itajaí and Itapoá ranked 1st by Antaq´s Environmental Performance Index in public and private port categories
Aug, 13, 2020 Posted by datamarnewsWeek 202033
On Thursday, August 13, Antaq released the result of the 2019 Environmental Performance Index (IDA) in an online event. The Port of Itajaí (SC) won first place in the category of public ports, with 99.47 points. Porto Itapoá Terminals Portuarios de Santa Catarina won among the Private Use Terminals (TUPs), with 99.26 points. The Port of Paranaguá (PR) was in second place, with 98.65 points. Itaqui (MA), in third. The Port of Santos (SP) ranked fourth, and the Pecém Port Terminal (CE) reached the fifth position.
Among the TUPs, the Ponta da Madeira (MA) Maritime terminal was in second place, with 98.13 points. Then Portonave – Navegantes Port Terminals (SC). In the fourth position, Cattalini Terminais Marítimos in Paranaguá. In fifth place, Guaíba Island Terminal – TIG (Mangaratiba / RJ).
The Environmental Performance Index is the main tool for assessing the environmental management of port facilities regulated by ANTAQ and in force since 2012 by the Environment and Sustainability Management (GMS). It is an important tool for assessing environmental management and port management at facilities. The index is applied annually and in this edition evaluated 31 organized ports and 92 TUPs by using 38 indicators grouped into four categories: economic-operational, sociological-cultural, physical-chemical and biological-ecological. Such indicators provide information that helps managers and decision-makers, and encourages the port sector to conform to legislation and best environmental management practices.
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In public ports, the first three facilities maintained their positions in relation to the previous assessment;
Regarding progress, the Port of Aratu rose seven positions, moving from the 19th position in the ranking to 12th (81.66 points). The Port of Rio de Janeiro went from 30th to 23rd;
Regarding TUPs, the first placed port went up five positions in the ranking, while the second and third-placed fell one position, in relation to the previous year;
A highlight among TUPs, the Bunge Alimentos Port Terminal in Rio Grande (RS) went from 85th to 12th position (78.24 points).
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