Ports and Terminals

Itajaí and Navegantes Complex handled more than 4 million tonnes in 2022 Q1

Apr, 22, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202217

Last March, the Itajaí and Navegantes Port Complex handled 127,710 TEUs, reaching 1,427,218 tonnes.

The port complex recorded 91 berthings during March, 32 of which were held at APM terminals located in the right bank’s leased area. Also, one berth occurred at the private use terminal Poly Terminals, two at the Barra do Rio terminal, and another three at TEPORTI. At PORTONAVE (Navegantes Port Terminal), daily handling in March totaled 53 calls with 93,656 TEUs and 1,014,761 tonnes.

In March, 89 ships carried maneuver turns at the port, 37 of which were in Basin 01 (in front of the Port of Itajaí and the Port of Navegantes), and the other 41 vessels in the area of Basin 02 (the new Maneuvering Basin Area of the Port Complex).

At the Port of Itajaí (public berths and APM terminals/leased areas), 34,054 TEUs were handled, reaching 382,510 tonnes. These numbers represent transaction stability compared to the same period last year.

The main exports recorded during March were: wood and derivatives (39.19%), frozen chicken (21.78%), meat (beef and pork 11.14%), mechanical and electronic (10.06%), ceramics and glass (4.04%).

The most significant imports in the same month were chemical products (36.24%), mechanical and electronic (26.63%), various textiles (11.33%), food in general (9.66%), and plastics and rubbers (7.98%).


In the first quarter of this year, the Port Complex registered 252 berths, with 4,143,441 tonnes. The accumulated number of turns in Basin 01 is connected to the 129 maneuvers carried out there, while Basin 02 totaled exactly 100 maneuvers.

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