Ports and Terminals

Itajaí and Navegantes evolution basin completes 300th rotation

Jan, 28, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202104

On January 16, 2020, the first maneuver was carried out in the new evolution basin area of ​​the Itajaí and Navegantes Port Complex. A little more than a year after this feat, many rotations have been carried out in the new basin, and on January 27th, the  300th rotation took place. The CMA CGM JACQUES JUNIOR was the ship that completed the 300th rotation. Measuring 300 meters in length and more than 48 meters in width, the ship was moored in the Portonave berth.

“It is with great satisfaction and joy that the Itajaí and Navegantes Port Complex has something to celebrate. One year after the first operation, we are completing a significant number, three hundred maneuvers in the new evolution basin. During this period, we made it possible not only to receive the 300 ships but also to break the Brazilian record for receiving the largest container ship, the APL Paris (347.04 x 45.27), on June 17, 2020 ”, highlights the superintendent of the Port of Itajaí, Fábio da Veiga.

In June 2020, five months after the first rotation, the Complex received the largest container ship to sail on the Brazilian coast, a historic feat for the Itajaí and Navegantes Port Complex in 2020. APL Paris, from Singapore, is 347.4 meters long and 45.2 meters wide and is larger than the Eiffel Tower. APL Paris’s rotation was the 6th successful maneuver in the new evolution basin for the category of ships over 306 meters in length and up to 350 meters wide.

“We were losing a lot of space to competitors, and if it weren’t for this new evolution basin – not only the basin but also the remodeled waterway access structure – we would lose space. The works provided an important leap for us to obtain the best results”, points out Heder Cassiano Moritz, General Director of Logistics Operations at the Port of Itajaí.

The Saco da Fazenda Basin, named Afonso Wippel, permitted the Port Complex to raise its maximum ship size permitted from 306 meters to 350 meters and made it possible for ships up to 306 meters long to enter and exit at night, decisively increasing the growth of the Port of Itajaí and Navegantes.

2nd stage of the Evolution Basin

The second stage of the work to expand the basin intends to increase the space for the ships to turn, allowing the Complex to receive ships measuring 366 meters, or up to 400 meters, depending on the project’s execution.

“The new Evolution Basin was a joint effort by the Port Authority, Navy, Pilotage, Itajaí City Hall, State Government, and Port Terminals, which brought us operational and alternative conditions, stimulating economic development. The complex’s current condition puts us at the forefront to receive these larger ships, which are a reality and a trend in international maritime trade. However, we also need to focus on carrying out the second phase of the Basin, to make the Complex even more competitive and to be able to receive ships up to 400 meters in length”, concludes Osmari de Castilho Ribas, Portonave’s Administrative Superintendent Director.


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