Ports and Terminals

Itajaí holds further tests to manouver large vessels in new evolution basin

Apr, 01, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202015

On Monday March 30, a twelfth special maneuver took place in the Itajaí Port Complex`s new evolution basin with vessels up to 306 meters long and 48.50 meters wide. All maneuvers were regulated and authorized by the Maritime Authority and monitored by the Superintendency of the Port of Itajaí, Port Guard, Navy, Pilotage, Port Terminals (APMT and PORTONAVE), shipowners, shipping agents and tug companies. With this, after approval by the Navy, the Port of Itajaí and the Port Complex will be ready to receive large vessels of 350 meters in length.

All special maneuvers carried out in the new evolution basin used ships that already operate in the local complex, and which will be successively replaced by ships from 336 to 350 meters in length. The total amount invested in this first stage of the road access adjustment work was R$174.6 million, of which R$129 million came from the Government of the State of Santa Catarina through the State Department of Infrastructure, R$40.1 million from the Port of Itajaí and R$5.5 million from Portonave (Port of Navegantes).

According to the superintendent of Itajaí Port, Marcelo Werner Salles, this maneuver is part of a set of actions being taken to make the infrastructure of the Itajaí port complex able to serve mega-ships that are up to 350 meters in length.  However, in the next phase it will start new tests with vessels that are 336 meters long and 52 meters wide.  With that, the port will wait for approval by the Maritime Authority to be definitively given.

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