Ports and Terminals

Itapoá breaks record for cross docking exports in 2022

Dec, 20, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202251

Although 2022 is not yet over, the Port of Itapoá has set its highest-ever number of cross-docking operations for export: 1,947 until November, far exceeding 2021 figures, the second-best year in this category, with 1,413 operations.

Cross docking for export involves goods being removed directly from trucks, processed in the Terminal’s warehouse, and then loaded into containers that will transport the cargo to its final destination on ships.

In total cross-docking operations, including imports and exports, Itapoá is on the verge of breaking its record of 12,140 procedures in 2021: by November, 10,598 operations had already been computed.

According to Roberto Pandolfo, Itapoá’s Director of Business Development and Customer Experience, this is a service in increasing demand. “We saw a lot of fluctuations in the international market due to the pandemic, which impacted the entire supply chain. Nonetheless, we noticed a significant increase in demand,” he muses.

According to the executive, few companies count with the expertise and specialized infrastructure to lead this type of operation. “We invested in equipment and technology to prepare our team. As a result, there is a strong synergy between our operational team and the operational team of our clients, which fosters trust and agility for both.”


According to Roberto Pandolfo, the rise in cross-docking operations was mainly pushed by the demand for pulp. This Brazilian product is very competitive and has high international demand. “Companies in this segment have invested in new manufacturing structures, demonstrating the strength of this market,” explains Pandolfo.

This item accounts for over 90% of the Port of Itapoá’s cross-docking export demand. Asia, particularly China, is the primary destination.

Please find below a chart containing Port of Itapoá’s pulp (hs code 48) shipments in containers from Jan 2019 to Oct 2022. The data is from DataLiner.

Pulp exports via Itapoá | | Jan 2019 – Oct 2022 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


According to Roberto Pandolfo, cross-docking for imports is a valuable resource for customers. “It is a method of expediting the return of empty containers and lowering demurrage costs (a fee charged when an importer uses a container in his import process for a longer period than contracted with the shipowner),” he explains.

Cross docking for imports involves the goods being removed from the customer’s containers, operated at the Terminal, and loaded onto trucks transporting the cargo to its final destination. Itapoá’s primary product in this mode of operation is copper.

Source: Tribuna de Itapoá

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.tribunadeitapoa.com.br/25493/porto-itapoa-bate-recorde-de-exportacoes-cross-docking-em-2022

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