port of itapoa expansion project
Ports and Terminals

Itapoá growth sets it up as possibly the third largest container terminal in Brazil

Jan, 23, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202005

Brazil’s Port of Itapoá saw an increase in containers throughput in 2019 up to 439,000 units. Imports and transshipment were the drivers at the terminal, rising 25% and 46%, respectively. Just over 217,000 units were either imported or trans-shipped, the largest volume of cargo moved by ports in Santa Catarina.

Another highlight of 2019 was the increase in cabotage shipments. Cabotage at Itapoá has grown every year since the beginning of the Terminal’s operations. As a result, in 2019 an all-time cabotage record was set, with more than 30,000 units handled, up 24% on the previous year.

The main drivers for growth were completion of the terminal’s expansion plans and the introduction of new services reducing transit times between ports in the region. These factors should place Porto Itapoá as the largest container terminal in Santa Catarina, and help it become established as the third largest terminal in Brazil.

This jump in the rankings would be published in the monthly reports of ANTAQ, Brazil’s waterways’ authority. Up to November 2019, ANTAQ’s numbers marked Itapoá’s growth as the largest among Brazil’s five main ports. Final disclosure of 2019 figures should take place in the first week of February, when December data will be published.

According to Cássio Schreiner, President of Porto Itapoá, 2019’s results are historical. “Porto Itapoá has only been in operation for 8 years, and we are already one of the largest container terminals in the country,” he says. “We understand that this achievement is the result of assertive planning enhancing the special characteristics of Itapoá, with its natural calling in Babitonga Bay, added to a relationship of trust and true partnership with shipowners, importers and exporters ”.

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