Ports and Terminals

Itapoá port to employ remotely controlled cranes

Feb, 23, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202308

Porto Itapoá will be the first port terminal in South America to employ RTGs (rubber tyred gantry cranes) by remote control. The acquisition of ten machines – an investment of over US$25 million – will increase the agility of the terminal’s operations. The first pieces of equipment arrive in May, while the second wave is scheduled for November this year.

According to Port Operations, Technology, and Environment director at Porto Itapoá, Sergni Pessoa Rosa Jr, the machines will be remotely controlled. “We are already training the operators who will work on these machines and preparing the room where they will work,” he said. The technology will also increase greater safety and ergonomics for terminal employees.

The new RTGs are capable of stacking up to six containers. The hybrid equipment consumes three times less fuel than a conventional diesel-powered RTG. In addition, Itapoá paid USD 11 million for a quay crane (a machine that transports containers between the pier and the ship) with a 70-meter boom. The terminal already has six of those, four with 55-meter booms and two with 65-meter booms.

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