Ports and Terminals

Itaqui Port ready to launch Brazil’s first decarbonization plan

Sep, 29, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202339

The Port of Itaqui is gearing up to launch its decarbonization plan, a pioneering initiative among Brazilian ports. The primary goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the port complex. This plan is the result of a unique partnership in Brazil with the Port of Valencia in Spain. The plan is set to enter into operation by October 2024.

The early stages of the Port of Itaqui’s Decarbonization Plan have already begun, with representatives from the Port of Valencia meeting with operators from the Itaqui Port complex on August 26.

As part of the contract’s timeline, the collaborative effort will kick off with an initial mapping of greenhouse gas emissions, covering trucks and vehicles within the port’s jurisdiction, ships, and all port equipment. This initial study will serve as the foundation for the entire decarbonization plan, guiding actions and investments with a more precise, objective, and strategic focus.

The Valencia Port team also visited all the companies operating within the Port of Itaqui. Luane Lemos, Environmental Manager, emphasized that the engagement of the entire complex is essential for the success of each stage. “It’s crucial that all companies within the complex understand the importance of the plan and participate in this journey with us,” she said.

“Decarbonization is a highly ambitious project, as it will transform the Port of Itaqui into the first Brazilian port with these defined indicators and a plan to address them,” reiterated Josep Sanz, Technical Coordinator of the Port of Valencia.

“The project began in August, and we are already working directly with EMAP and the port companies to gather the information we need to calculate the carbon footprint. This calculation is scheduled to be presented here at the port in February, and the project will extend until October next year, with the complete decarbonization plan,” concluded Aurélio Lazaro, Project Manager for the Port of Valencia.

“The team is conducting assessments of potential environmental and strategic impacts that can help mitigate this problem. Based on these studies, we will prepare for the future, meaning we will have a conscious decarbonization project for the Port of Itaqui, the first Brazilian port to undergo this study and begin implementing decarbonization,” said Marcelo Coelho, Director of Planning at EMAP.

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