
Last year´s pest reappears in Argentina’s soybean and cotton crops

Apr, 06, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202114

According to SENASA (the national service for health and agrifood quality) and the Chaco Ministry of Production, Industry, and Employment, young and adult grasshoppers were found in cotton and soybean crops in the province of Chaco. The insects are of the same species – Schistocerca Cancellata – which spread across the country last year and almost reached Brazil.

The locusts were spotted in the departments of Commander Fernández, General Güemes, and Quitilipi. Producers are asked to monitor crops constantly and report any pests found to the authorities so immediate steps may be taken to prevent proliferation and cloud formation.

“We were able to determine that the insects are at the advanced nymph and adult stages, with a tendency to herd (form a cloud),” said Julio González, a Regional Center technician at Chaco-Formosa do Senasa. He emphasizes that the monitoring continues permanently.

Source: Globo Rural

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