
Latest DataLiner data shows container imports up 12% YoY in September

Oct, 28, 2021 Posted by Neeharika Khaitan

Week 202141

In September, Brazilian container imports grew by almost 12% year-on-year, reaching 216,202 TEU, compared with 189,715 TEU. Compared to September 2019, when 218,965 TEU was imported, there was a 1.26% drop in imported volumes.

According to Andrew Lorimer, CEO of Datamar, imports are virtually stable at pre-pandemic 2019 levels but could be better if it weren’t for the logistical problems faced by importers. “In addition to the lack of containers, the excessively high freight has negatively impacted imports,” he says. “The combination of the two factors is stifling the growth of imports,” he said.

The chart below shows a comparison of Brazilian imports via containers in recent years:

Brazilian imports in container| Jan to Sep 2019-2021 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)


Container exports, on the other hand, presented a scenario similar to that of 2020, with 246,666 TEU shipped abroad in September, a decrease of 0.85% compared to September 2020 (248,799 TEU) and 0.32% compared to 2019 (247,463 TEU).

Brazilian exports in container | Jan to Sep 2019-2021 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

A lack of containers remains the main obstacle to the growth of exports. Containers that arrive in Brazil with imported products have to return quickly to Asia, and often return empty, harming exports. Sectors such as coffee, sugar and meat have suffered from a lack of equipment.

According to the president of Cecafé, Nicolas Rueda, in September the drop in coffee shipments from the country was caused by logistical obstacles in global maritime trade. “There are no changes in the scenario. We continue with intense disputes for containers and space on the ships and still facing successive cancellations of bookings, cargo rollovers and extremely costly freight”, he explains.

If in the past, commodities such as refined sugar, coffee, rice, cotton and cocoa moved from ship holds to containers, ensuring greater productivity and preserving the quality of products, the current solution to circumvent the lack of containers is to return to bulk shipments.

“Around 80% of refined sugar trade was in containers before the pandemic. Now it has dropped to around 60%”, said Paulo Roberto de Souza, CEO of Alvean Sugar SL, the largest sugar trading company in the world.

According to Souza, the change is not greater because there are not many small ships available on the market.

To resolve these obstacles, between November 11th and November 12th, the Parliamentary Front for Agriculture (FPA) is planning a meeting with shipowners  to discuss the container crisis. “Dialogue with shipowners is the key point. It’s a very concentrated sector. There are five companies worldwide. We are in a situation of dialogue and pressure”, said the president of the Infrastructure and Logistics Commission of the FPA, federal deputy Arnaldo Jardim (Cidadania-SP).

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