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Leather exports grow in volume, but decreases in value

Aug, 01, 2023 Posted by Lillian Smoak

Week 202332

Brazilian leather exports in the first half of 2023 recorded increases of 7.8% in traded area and 20.2% in weight compared to the same period last year. The volume of business amounts to US$ 563.8 million, down 15.4%.

“This scenario is influenced by the value of the raw material, exchange rate issues and the demand for leather in the international market. Despite not very optimistic information about the recovery of the Chinese economy recently, there is still the possibility of an improvement in this market in the coming months”, analyzes the executive president of the Center of the Brazilian Tanning Industry (CICB), José Fernando Bello.

China (without Hong Kong), United States and Italy were the three main markets in the semester. The Chinese imported US$ 156 million, corresponding to an increase of 2.3% compared to the same period of 2022. The Americans, on the other hand, bought US$ 94 million, a decrease of 24.1% compared to the first six months of last year. For the Italian market, Brazil sold US$ 71 million, a reduction of 41% compared to the first half of 2022.

“Despite the improvements in shipments to China, there were reductions in this destination’s share of total Brazilian exports. There were improvements in the monetary participation of Vietnam (from 5.1% to 5.7%) and Mexico (from 4.4% to 4.5%), so these two destinations have been absorbing part of these drops in sales”, says CICB analysis in the document Brazilian Exports of Leather and Skins – June 2023 -, with data from the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex) of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services.

Rio Grande do Sul
In the first semester, Rio Grande do Sul remained the main Brazilian state exporting leather, accounting for 26.5% of the value and 24% of the area traded by Brazil.

Exports by tanning companies in Rio Grande do Sul totaled US$ 149 million in the period. Foreign sales by Tannery Minuano (Lindolfo Collor/RS), which were mainly destined for countries in Asia, Europe and North America, registered stability in the first six months of the year.

“They remained at the same levels as last year, and can be considered as not heated up, but as regular to slightly weak”, points out the business manager of the company’s leather division, Mateus Enzveiler.

Source: Exclusivo

To read the original article, visit: https://exclusivo.com.br/_conteudo/exportacao/2023/08/01/exportacao-de-couro-cresce-no-volume-mas-cai-em-valor.html

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