exportação de café - brazilian coffee exportation

Lockdown in Vietnam impacts world coffee supply

Aug, 27, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202134

The world’s coffee supply is being shaken again by the stringent restrictions imposed by Vietnam, the world’s second-largest producer, to contain the rise of the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

The government has placed the export hub Ho Chi Minh in lockdown because of the jump in the number of Covid-19 cases and has imposed limitations on mobility in key producing areas in the central highlands region.

Exporters face difficulties in taking the grains to the ports, in addition to other logistical problems, such as the serious unavailability of containers and higher freight costs.

After frost ruined the crop in Brazil, some roasters decided to use cheaper supplies of robusta coffee from Vietnam. However, the sharp rise in prices and transportation difficulties make this option less attractive.

Source: Money Times

To read the full original article, visit the link: https://www.moneytimes.com.br/lockdown-no-vietna-agrava-limitacao-da-oferta-mundial-de-cafe/

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