Ports and Terminals

Log-In carries out its first cargo transhipment operation from Paraguay to Brazil

Mar, 25, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202113

Log-In Logística Intermodal has been expanding its operations at the TecPlata terminal, located in the Port of La Plata, in Buenos Aires. Earlier this month, Log-In’s first cargo transshipment service was carried out with two ships operating simultaneously; this enabled the maritime connection between the Port of Asunción, in Paraguay, and the Port of Santos.

In an unprecedented operation, the cargo left the Independiente Shipping Line (ISL) barge Independiente, from the port of Asunción, sailed down the Paraná River, and arrived at the Tecplata terminal, where it docked simultaneously with the Log-In Jacarandá ship. Soon afterward, the containers were transferred to the Log-In ship, which went left for Brazil on the same day.

Since 2019, Log-In calls the TecPlata terminal regularly with the Log-In Jacarandá, Log-In Jatobá, and Log-In Endurance vessels. The maritime connection in Argentina with cargo coming from Paraguay allows the containers from Log-In’s ships to be transferred to smaller vessels that will sail up the Paraná River to the Port of Asunción and vice versa.

Since last year, Log-In has maintained a partnership with the shipping company Independencia Shipping Line (ISL) on the Paraguay route to serve the Port of Asunción every fifteen days. To make this service feasible, three smaller ships with a total capacity of 510 TEU are dedicated to river navigation.

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