Ports and Terminals

Log-In settles R$330-million debt

May, 17, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202122

On May 13, Log-In Logística Intermodal concluded its fourth issue of simple, nonconvertible debentures in the amount of R$ 340 million over a total term of six years. As a result, part of the company’s long-term debt was amortized and the maturity was extended to 2027.

The proceeds obtained in this transaction were used to fully pay off, in advance, a loan that would mature in 2023, for approximately R$ 330 million, contracted in the past with some financial institutions. According to Log-In’s Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, Pascoal Gomes, this operation demonstrates Log-In’s ability to honor its commitments to financial institutions.

“We were able to extend the debt amortization schedule, reducing liquidity risk and, consequently, improving risk perception. The operation also made it possible to unlink large guarantees, allowing the company to obtain better financing for new projects and others that are in progress, such as at the Vila Velha Terminal”, said Pascoal.

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