LOGPLAN – Customized Multimodal Solutions
Feb, 10, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202106
Every company has a specific need when it comes to transport and logistics. It was with this in mind that we at LOGPLAN developed customized multimodal solutions for our customers’ supply chain, be it sea-road or river-road. Our promise is to solve the need for transportation with customized solutions to provide peace of mind with low costs.
Our company is part of the Contatto Group, a leader in road transport of critical and dangerous cargo. We deliver planned multimodal operations to our customers, through a complete cabotage structure between the main ports and assuming the role of collaborative agent in the supply chain, with 360º management of our customers’ process and customized according to the supply chain.
For over 25 years, we have provided a complete range of door-to-door transport options to meet the needs of our customers. We have ample operational capacity in all ports in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, and countless partnerships for delivery and storage, using strategically located bases and with easy access in the different regions of the country. As OTM – Multimodal Transport Operator, we ensure that all transport is accompanied by a single document, facilitating all administration and control of customers.
In addition to transportation, we offer temporary storage of products for simple or complex, critical or dangerous cargo, we have a team of specialists in the multimodal transportation of critical products. We have our own isotank park and we offer maintenance of this equipment to meet the needs of our customers.
All of this makes us a customized logistics option, with competitive cost, better performance in terms of operational safety, load integrity and very low damage rates, not to mention that the multimodal system contributes significantly to reducing gas emission levels. carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, thus providing greater sustainability, be it economic, energetic, environmental and social.
Would you like to get to know LOGPLAN? Talk to us !!
www.logplan.com.br – (19) 2113.7565 – [email protected]
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