
Maersk further adjusts shipping capacity on route between Far East and East Coast South America

Apr, 20, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202017

Maersk announced that due to the reduction in market demand in the Far East and Latin America, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is revising its capacity to adjust it to the current situation.

In exports, the following blank sailings are foreseen:

Service  Ship Travel  First port of embarkation First date of embarkation Last port of embarkation Last embarkation date
ASAS  MAERSK SKARSTIND   026E  Buenos Aires, AR  


23-Jun-20  Santos, BR  01-Jul-20 
IPANEMA  CROATIA    019E  Montevideo, UY  22-Jun-20  Santos, BR  04-Jul-20 

For imports, the following blank sailings are foreseen:

Service Ship Travel  First port of embarkation First date of embarkation Last port of embarkation Last embarkation date
ASAS  MAERSK SKARSTIND  019W  Busan, KR  6-Mai-20  Singapore, SG  19-Mai-20 
IPANEMA  CROATIA  019W  Busan, KR  10-Mai-20   Singapore, SG  25-Mai-20 

The alternative coverage for MAERSK SKARSTIND will be the IPANEMA service; MONTEVIDEO EXPRESS 020W. The alternative coverage for CROATIA will be the ASAS service; MAERSK LABREA 020W.

According to Maersk, the company will continue to review demand and will continuously adjust capacity to match it. The goal is to minimize the impact on customers’ supply chains, providing predictability and protecting a service plan with alternative routes in advance.

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