
Maersk launches NeoNav artificial intelligence solution in Brazil

May, 20, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202122

Maersk is launching NeoNav, a new digital solution that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help large companies optimize their supply chains, cut costs, and better manage inventories.

According to the company, when using AI, the main industrial, agricultural, and retail producers can monitor the transport of cargo around the planet, in real-time, which allows them to make decisions and redesign processes in a matter of seconds. The advantages of using NeoNav can also be felt in companies’ billing since they can increase revenue by 1%, reduce inventory by 5% to 30% and cut costs of goods sold by 2% through management improvements to the supply chain.

For large companies, the savings can reach the millions, according to customers who already use the service abroad, which showed a reduction of US$ 30 to US$ 40 per TEU container per year. There are also environmental benefits: NeoNav contributes to a reduction of 50 kg of CO2 per TEU container.

According to Julian Thomas, president of Maersk for the East Coast of South America (including Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay), logistics has an extremely important role in society, “The pandemic emphasized this importance due to its impact, which changed the worldwide demand for consumer goods and services during health blockages promoted by many countries.”  He added, “To organize this massive global movement of goods, you need a competitive advantage. Thanks to the efficiency of AI, large Brazilian customers can make decisions based on information generated in real-time, improving their supply chains as products are moved from end to end. NeoNav is a totally recent innovation and will make a big difference in the market.”

“More than ever, customers need reliability and predictability, NeoNav offers that level of transparency and visibility in real-time,” explains Douglas Piagentini, Commercial Director at Maersk East Coast South America. “The data between storage, shipping, and demand is normally synchronized once every quarter. With Maersk NeoNav, data is synchronized almost immediately. This represents a great advantage for everyone”, he adds.

NeoNav takes into account factors such as traffic, weather, and even labor strikes.

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