mango exports

Mango exports exceed expectations, setting records in September

Oct, 18, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202140

Brazilian mango exports are breaking records in 2021. According to data from SECEX (the foreign trade secretariat), Brazil exported 42,100 tons of mangos, an increase of 95.8% compared to August and 19% compared to September 2020.

Traditionally, the largest volumes are exported in this period, when productivity increases in the São Francisco Valley (PE/BA). However, September exceeded expectations and recorded the best performance for the month in the entire historical series of Hortifruti/Cepea, which started in 2003, recording the highest volume of shipments in 2021. In revenue, US$ 37 million were collected, an increase of 87.8% compared to last month.

With the decrease in the volumes of Osteen mango in the European market, the Palmers orders increased. In addition, larger quantities of non-fiber varieties – Keitt and Kent – ​​are also being shipped. Compared to the United States, the volumes shipped are exceeding expectations and, in September, they would have been higher if it were not due to the suspension of shipments to the country during week 38 (25 to 29/09), due to logistical obstacles.

Source: HFBrasil

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