Ports and Terminals

Medical waste found inside containers at Port of Suape

Feb, 23, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202310

The Brazilian Federal Revenue Service identified containers with around 15 tonnes of hospital waste amid a risk analysis procedure of all cargo entering the Port of Suape. The imported material left Portugal and was seized by Customs at Porto de Suape, in Ipojuca, on the south coast of Pernambuco.

According to the Federal Revenue, the containers contained devices to administer intravenous medication, such as blood bags, hoses, and other solid hospital waste. On the other hand, the importer stated that the cargo was “vinyl chloride polymers” (plastic material).

The cargo inspection took place on February 16, when the Federal Revenue became suspicious and requested an assessment by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA). The following day, February 17, ANVISA examined the goods, confirming the suspicions that it was indeed solid hospital waste.

Due to fiscal secrecy, the names of those involved or the companies were not disclosed. The goods will be kept under the possession of the Federal Revenue at the Port of Suape until the importer manages to return them under art. 46 of Law No. 12,715/2012.

Source: Diário de Pernambuco

To read the original news reporting, please access: https://www.diariodepernambuco.com.br/noticia/vidaurbana/2023/02/lixo-hospitalar-e-encontrado-em-conteineres-no-porto-de-suape.html

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