Ports and Terminals

Meet the winners of the “Portos + Brasil” award

Nov, 25, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202049

For the first time, Brazilian public ports that achieved the highest performance indices were recognized by the Federal Government with the “Portos + Brasil Award”, created by the Ministry of Infrastructure. This first edition evaluated the best ports in the country based on IGAP (the management index for port authorities). “The government’s intention is to stimulate the permanent search for excellence in the management of public ports in Brazil”, stated Diogo Piloni, head of SNPTA (the national secretariat of ports and water transport), a division of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

The Portos + Brasil Award initiative is part of the guidelines provided for in Administrative Ruling MTPA No. 574/18, which guarantees more autonomy for port authorities in bidding procedures, in addition to maximizing the decentralization of organized port administration. The ordinance also allows the ministry to identify which port authorities have been adopting the best market, management, governance, and transparency practices and that have a good organizational, physical, and functional framework suitable for port exploration.

At the awards ceremony held last Tuesday, November 24, ports were recognized for having the best scores in the execution of planned investments, movement growth, variation of the EBTIDA margin, and IGAP ranking. The indicator assesses the level of operational efficiency, administrative efficiency, maintenance of waterway access, investment budget execution, and other factors. See the winners below:

Awarded Categories:

IGAP Ranking (Port Authority Management Index)

1st place: Ports of Paraná (Paranaguá – PR)

Score 9.00

2nd place: Santos Port Authority (Santos – SP Maranhense Port Administration Company – EMAP (São Luís – MA)

SCPAR Port of Imbituba (Imbituba – SC)

Score 8.5


Variation in EBTIDA Margin

1st. Place: Companhia Docas do Pará (Belém – PA)


2nd. Place: Companhia Docas  do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro – RJ)


3rd Place: Companhia Docas da Paraíba (Cabedelo – PB)



Movement Growth

1st. Place: Santarém Organized Port / Companhia Docas do Pará (Belém – PA)

36.2% increase compared to 2018

2nd. Place: Itajaí Organized Port / Itajaí Port Superintendence (Itajaí – SC)

33.9% increase compared to 2018

3rd. Place: Vila do Conde Organized Port / Companhia Docas do Pará (Belém – PA)

22.3% increase compared to 2018


Investment Budget Execution

1st Place: Ports of Paraná (Paranaguá – PR)

Execution of 81.8% of the Investment Budget

2nd Place: Superintendence of the Port of Itajaí (Itajaí – SC)

Execution of 59.9% of the Investment Budget

3rd Place: Maranhense Port Administration Company – EMAP (São Luís – MA)

Execution of 37.1% of the Investment Budget


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