Ports and Terminals

Mega Terminal at Port of Santos Sparks Public Debate

Dec, 04, 2024 Posted by Denise Vilera

Week 202446

The potential impacts of the planned STS10 mega container terminal in the Saboó region of the Port of Santos were the center of discussions during a public hearing at the City Council on Monday, December 2.

Participants highlighted that the region’s infrastructure is insufficient to handle current truck traffic. With the new mega terminal expected to substantially increase the volume of heavy vehicles, they called for urgent infrastructure upgrades. The terminal, slated for auction next year, could exacerbate traffic congestion unless comprehensive logistical measures are implemented.

The public hearing, organized by the Port, Maritime, Industry, and Commerce Affairs Commission (Capmic), brought together representatives from truck drivers’ and dockworkers’ unions. They called for improved road access to the port and job security as the project advances.

Councilmember Francisco Nogueira (Workers Party – PT), president of Capmic, underscored the pressing need for infrastructure investments to support the terminal’s operations and prevent worsening traffic bottlenecks.

Recently, the Ministry of Ports and Airports (MPor) announced that the auction for the STS10 area lease is scheduled for the last quarter of 2025. The terminal, which will focus on container operations and storage, will span 601,900 square meters under a 25-year lease agreement valued at BRL 3.51 billion.

Currently, 85,000 square meters of the area is occupied by Ecoporto Santos, which operates containers and project cargo. Ecoporto’s lease expired in 2022 and has since been temporarily extended for six months.

Nogueira proposed a three-year transitional contract to ensure job stability for dockworkers and adequate space for project cargo handling. He also suggested dividing the Saboó area into three zones to accommodate a relocated Passenger Maritime Terminal from Outeirinhos, Ecoporto operations, and the future container terminal.

The chart below compares container exports and imports at the Port of Santos between January 2021 and October 2024. The data is derived from DataLiner, a Datamar-powered intelligence product.

Santos Port | Exports & Imports| Jan 2021 – Oct 2024 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Union Leaders Stress Job Protection

Romero Costa, director of the Autonomous Truck Drivers’ Union (Sindicam Santos), urged local authorities to prioritize critical infrastructure projects, including the construction of the Alemoa exit overpass and the São Manoel marginal road in the Northwest Zone of Santos. These projects aim to alleviate truck congestion on routes to Right Bank terminals.

“We support Ecoporto, but we also stand behind container operations. Many families rely on transporting containers at the Port of Santos. In this battle between major companies, the ones who suffer are the truckers and dockworkers,” Costa said.

Bruno José dos Santos, president of the Dockworkers’ Union (Sindestiva), warned against monopolizing port operations. “The port must grow, diversify its activities, and guarantee job opportunities for workers.”

He emphasized that handling a variety of cargo types ensures steady employment for freelance workers and advocated for better utilization of idle port spaces to support 24/7 operations, benefiting the entire workforce in the Santos region.

Source: A Tribuna

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