Merchant Marine Fund allocates R$757 million towards maritime projects

Jul, 03, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202027

The Directing Council of the Merchant Marine Fund (CDFMM) approved the transfer of R$757.2 million for projects related to the naval sector. Among the projects are the repair and construction of maritime support vessels, port support, cabotage, and the construction of shipyards. The Council also approved the FMM budget for 2021, in the amount of R$6.8 billion.

The decision was approved during the 44th Regular Meeting of the CDFMM, last Thursday (2). Most of the funds, R$694.6 million, went to new projects, and the remaining R$62.6 million went to projects that had already been approved by the board and obtained a new term for contracting the financing using the FMM. There was also a change in shipyards for projects that were already prioritized. The works will be carried out in the following shipyards: Enseada (BA), Arpoador (SP), Aliança (SC), Wilson Sons (SP), Navship (RJ), Oxnaval (RS), BEHIDRO (PA), ERAM (AM) and Vard Promar (PE).

According to CMN Resolution 3828/2009, the FMM can finance up to 90% of the value of the projects. The percentage of financing will depend on the national content and the type of vessel. The established term is 450 days for contracting the financing, in the case of new projects, and 180 days, in the case of projects resubmitted after not being classified as first priority. The deadline for interested parties to submit projects seeking to obtain priority funding is September 28, 2020.

Projects approved during the 44th CDFMM meeting:

New projects

Segment Shipyard Project Details Amount approved at meeting (R$ milhões)
Maritime support Arpoador (SP) Construction of 2 vessels, 1 SDSV and 1 RSV, for Oceânica Engenharia e Consultoria Ltda. 127,5
Cabotage Enseada (BA) Construction of 2 portainers for Petrocity Portos S.A. 308,6
Repairs Aliança (SC) Repair with docking of 14 vessels, 5 PSV, 5 AHTS, 2 OSRV and 2 RSV, from the Brazilian Offshore Company (CBO) 127,5
Wilson Sons (SP) Maintenance and repair of 29 tugs from Saveiros Camuyrano Serviços Marítimos S.A 131,0
Total for new projects  694,6

Projects re-submitted:

Segment Shipyard Project Details Amount approved at meeting (R$ milhões)
Port support Navship (RJ) Supplementary resources for the construction of the Floating Dyke of Estaleiro Navship Ltda. 5,8
Shipyard Oxnaval (RS) Construction of a shipyard for the maintenance and construction of vessels, in Pelotas / RS, for Oxnaval Manutenção e Construção de Embarcações Ltda 56,8
Total  for re-submitted projects  62,6


Shipyard change:

Project Details
Alteration of the shipyard for the maintenance and repair of 4 tugboats, moving from the Wilson Sons shipyard to: BEHIDRO Transporte Hidroviário, Commerce of Parts and Maintenance Services of Embarcações Ltda (PA); Amazon River Shipyard – ERAM (AM); and Vard Promar S.A. (PE) Shipyard
Alteration of the shipyard for the modernization of 1 tug, moving from the shipyard Camorim Serviços Marítimos S.A (RJ) to Wilson Sons Estaleiros Ltda. (SP)


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