Ports and Terminals

Mid-year Cargo Throughput Report Reveal Robust Performance for Ports in Southern Brazil

Jul, 25, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202430

Portos RS has released its mid-year cargo throughput report for the ports in in Southern Brazil, specifically Rio Grande do Sul, highlighting robust activity across its facilities. In the first six months of the year, the Port of Rio Grande handled 18,531,991 tonnes, the Port of Pelotas processed 523,570 tonnes, and the Port of Porto Alegre moved 368,245 tonnes.

During this period, 1,735 vessels docked at these ports: 1,417 at Rio Grande, 238 at Pelotas, and 80 vessels at Porto Alegre. The largest increases in cargo throughput were seen in solid bulk and general cargo.

At Porto Alegre’s public dock, fertilizer shipments led with 139,021 tonnes, followed by wheat at 132,323 tonnes, barley at 57,742 tonnes, beef tallow at 25,877 tonnes, salt at 11,605 tonnes, and general cargo at 1,677 tonnes. Operations at the Porto Alegre unit were temporarily halted for nearly two months due to floods in May but resumed in June with the unloading of fertilizer inputs from the ship Nord Mississippi.

In Pelotas, wood logs for cellulose production continued to dominate, reaching 458,266 tonnes. Clinker, the raw material for cement, was the second most transported cargo at 65,304 tonnes.

The Port of Rio Grande saw significant growth, driven primarily by soybean exports, which increased by 25.01% compared to last year. Other notable increases included cellulose, which increased by 7.98%; polyethylene, which increased by 6.52%; wood chips, which increased by 1.50%; and wheat, which increased by 0.65%.

Container throughput at the Port of Rio Grande surged by 24.73%, with 367,029 TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units) handled. June was the most active month, with 77,432 TEUs passing through the port.

The Port of Rio Grande is strategic for southern Brazil’s logistics. The chart below shows the top 10 most exported container cargo recorded for the port in the year’s first five months. The information comes from DataLiner.

Rio Grande Port Top Export Cargo | 2024 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Exports from the Port of Rio Grande primarily went to China (3,662,249 tonnes), Vietnam (769,457 tonnes), the Philippines (727,843 tonnes), the United States (279,395 tonnes), and Iran (475,097 tonnes). Other destinations included Morocco, France, Thailand, and Portugal.

Imports came chiefly from Argentina (753,791 tonnes), China (659,495 tonnes), Russia (392,491 tonnes), Morocco (288,098 tonnes), the United States (279,395 tonnes), and Peru (209,944 tonnes). Additional import origins were Canada, Nigeria, Uruguay, and the Netherlands.

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